absolute quality

«Khortytsa» is the best thing in the world of vodka. This vodka embodies the philosophy of absolute quality. «Khortytsa» is a new generation alcohol, spring water, state-of-the-art technology, a unique bottle designed by world-class industrial design centers and the best specialists in the industry. «Khortytsa» is an ideal content, embodied in a perfect shape.


The highest quality of «Khortytsa» is based on experience and innovations. The state-of-the-art technologies used in production and design, as well as the best ingredients, ensure the highest appraisals of international experts and worldwide recognition of the absolute quality of «Khortytsa» products.
Spirit «Finest Wheat» Khortytsa
Spirit «Finest Wheat»
Smart bottle «Khortytsa Ice» Khortytsa
Smart bottle «Khortytsa Ice»
Unique metalized cap Khortytsa
Unique metalized cap
7 stages of purification Khortytsa
7 stages of purification
Excessive consumption of alcohol can cause harm to your health